Sunday, August 24, 2008

Judy comes to the rescue!

I have had a perfectly good quilt project all cut out and sitting in my drawer since 2004.

the fabric line, "Strawberry Jam" by Kansas Troubles was beautiful, the pattern, "Strawberry Baskets" was something that i could do, but i balked at the center block.

it was a bit of applique--not particularly stunning, but still simple. So i cut everything out, did all the prep work, but this block just wasn't going anywhere. So back into the drawer went all the pieces and there they sat, biding their time until a perfect center block should come along.

**cue Judy!**

We've been making Judy's BOM blocks for the past month and have enjoyed doing so.

Friday night in a burst of inspiration i got all the quilt pieces out of the drawer. I think they were afraid that i had forgotten them! I remembered Judy's BOM block #1, pulled a fabric with strawberries on it, and i was off to the races.

I got the new pieces cut for a center block, sewed them together, and voila! here's the new center block for the quilt.